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Computes \(\zeta_h(n_h, \bar{\phi}_h):=\mathrm{E}(r_h)\mathrm{E}\left(\frac{1}{r_h}\right)\), as defined in our paper (Mendelson & Elliott, in press) see Details for a summary. If there are any strata where the allocation may lead to \(\mathrm{E}(r_h) < r_h^{LB}\) for user-specified \(r_h^{LB}\) (3.5 by default), then \(\zeta_h(.)\) is evaluated using \(n_h':= max\left(n_h, \left\lceil \frac{r_h^{LB}}{\bar{\phi}_h}\right\rceil\right)\) in place of \(n_h\). Further, \(\zeta_h(.)\) is computed for continuous \(n_h\) as a weighted average of evaluations at \(\lfloor n_h \rfloor\) and \(\lfloor n_h \rfloor + 1\), as in our paper.


calc_zeta(n_h, phibar_h, rh_min = 3.5, verbose_flag = FALSE)



(vector) strata sample sizes before nonresponse (\(n_h\))


(vector) strata response propensities (\(\bar{\phi}_h\))


(scalar) minimum target respondents per stratum (\(r_h^{LB}\)); default is 3.5


(bool) flag on whether to provide noisy results


vector of length \(H\) containing \(\left\{\zeta_h(n_h', \bar{\phi}_h):h=1,2,...,H\right\}\), where \(n_h'\) is the larger of \(n_h\) or \(\frac{r_h^{LB}}{\bar{\phi}_h}\)


In Mendelson & Elliott (in press), we assumed that the number of respondents in stratum \(h\) can be modeled as standard binomial with support for zero removed (i.e., zero-truncated binomial; see dtruncbinom()), written as \(r_h \sim TBinom(n_h, \bar{\phi}_h)\), where \(n_h\) is the number of invitees in stratum \(h\), \(\bar{\phi}_h\) is the average response propensity within stratum \(h\), and where the unit-level response propensities are assumed constant within strata. Our paper defines the function \(\zeta_h(n_h, \bar{\phi}_h):=\mathrm{E}(r_h)\mathrm{E}\left(\frac{1}{r_h}\right)\). This quantity is a variance inflation term that captures the effect of variability in the number of respondents for a given allocation (when computing the variance of the poststratified estimator under nonresponse for the finite population mean).

For discrete \(n_h\), the current function (calc_zeta()) computes \(\zeta_h(n_h', \bar{\phi}_h)\), where we use \(n_h':= max\left(n_h, \left\lceil \frac{r_h^{LB}}{\bar{\phi}_h}\right\rceil\right)\) to avoid underallocating to strata with too few expected respondents, and where \(r_h^{LB}\) is some given lower bound on the number of expected respondents. By default, we set \(r_h^{LB} = 3.5\), since the truncated binomial distribution may sometimes be a poor approximation for the binomial distribution below these levels, and as we observed numerically that \(\zeta_h(n_h, \bar{\phi}_h)\) is roughly maximized for various \(\bar{\phi}_h\) (fixed at levels between .01 and 1) when \(n_h \approx \frac{3.5}{\bar{\phi}_h}\).

For continuous \(n_h\), we define \(\zeta_h(n_h, \bar{\phi}_h)\) as a weighted average of its evaluations at \(\lfloor n_h \rfloor\) and \(\lfloor n_h \rfloor + 1\), via $$\zeta_h'(n_h,\bar{\phi}_h) = w_h \cdot \zeta_h(\lfloor n_h \rfloor,\bar{\phi}_h) + \left(1 - w_h\right)\cdot \zeta_h(\lfloor n_h \rfloor + 1,\bar{\phi}_h),$$ where \(w_h= \left(\lfloor n_h \rfloor + 1\right) - n_h\).


Mendelson, J., & Elliott, M. R. (in press). Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.


#Basic example
#Note that n_h is adjusted in strata 1 and 4 since n_h * phibar_h < 3.5
calc_zeta(n_h = c(100, 200, 300, 300),
         phibar_h = c(.03, .02, .05, .005))
#> [1] 1.351014 1.337523 1.073827 1.357905