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Population and response rate information for the Federal Voting Assistance Program's 2016 Post-Election Voting Survey of U.S. Active Duty Military, based on secondary analysis of public use data.




Tibble containing 91 observations and 8 variables. Includes:


(chr) Poststrata


(fct) Military service


(fct) Pay grade category


(fct) Age category


(fct) Region


(chr) Sex


(dbl) Estimated population size in poststratum h


(dbl) Base-weighted empirical response propensity in poststratum h


This table is from our paper's secondary analysis of survey data (Mendelson & Elliott, in press) from FVAP's 2016 Post-Election Voting Survey of U.S. Active Duty Military (PEVS-ADM; FVAP, 2017a). The sampling frame reflects U.S. Active Duty Military, as of July 2016, based on administrative data from the U.S. Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC); see FVAP's technical report (2017b) for details. Our analysis exclusively examines the control group from FVAP's response rate experiment (\(n = 77{,}333\)); we further omit \(1{,}785\) sample members who were identified as ineligible via administative data prior to survey fielding; these units were in the July 2016 sampling frame, but were identified via September 2016 personnel records as no longer being on active duty (e.g., due to separations or retirements). Population sizes are estimated from the survey's base weights for the remaining cases.

Poststratum response propensities are base-weighted proportions of invitees who provided an eligible, complete response to the survey; the denominator includes all invited units (as opposed to excluding ineligibles, as in AAPOR response rates), so that resulting sample allocation calculations will reflect the effects of sample loss on the costs of data collection. Note that a different choice of denominator would not have much impact on the estimated response rates, considering that an estimated 99.3% of the invited population meets the study's screener-based eligibility criteria.


Federal Voting Assistance Program. (2017a). 2015-2016 Active Duty Military dataset. Federal Voting Assistance Program, U.S. Department of Defense.

Federal Voting Assistance Program (2017b). Post-Election Voting Surveys: Active Duty Military: Technical report 2016. Technical report, Federal Voting Assistance Program, U.S. Department of Defense.

Mendelson, J., & Elliott, M. R. (in press). Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.